
The Kitchen.
This room is very much a functional space and therefore the kitchen I have occupied should be no different. There’s no hidden meaning, nothing lurking in the cupboards or the drawers. It is what it is. Although it isn’t normally a place to bring your visitors, but this shall be an exception. You will be greeted with a shake of the paw and welcomed in with open arms for a drink or perhaps a snack if you fancy? There are plenty of things for you to observe so feel free to do so! And if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask them. We may proceed to the dining area to relax properly and have a sit down, I tend to get a bit hot and bothered after a while!


Do you feel in control in a kitchen? It seems to always be a place of order, organisation, structure. But what would happen if those restraints, rules and limits vanished….leaving nothing but a room full of chaos, destruction and freedom? These are the questions you need to be asking yourselves. Do you feel safe in your own home? Do you know what happens to objects when you aren’t there looking after them?

Life is full of unanswered questions and mysteries but it’s the discovering and exploration of those enquiries that makes them so interesting….not necessarily the questions themselves. Everything in a kitchen can tell a story, I bet it has a past, a future, a purpose…

Audience thought and sensory stimulation during life is almost more exciting than life itself. So next time you enter your kitchen….stop and think – what is this room really about and what is beneath the surface, hidden from everyday life?

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