The TV now plays a big part in our homes; it’s what centers our lives as well as social media. If we’re not catching the latest episode of ‘Embarrassing Bodies’ or watching the new Nicki Minaj music video then we’re not cool. TV has ruined our world, we all become hypnotized by the box and not engaging or socializing with family and/or friend’s we live with. This is making the living room feel like there’s no life as everyone is just in a trance, making it go back to what the living room originally was used for and being “The living dead room” (( Heathcote, E (2012) The Meaning of Home London:Frances Lincoln.)).

With the living room normally been left for best and for when visitors came, now we take the space for granted. These spaces used to have laughter music and life, now all we have is lifeless people staring into a void of nothingness.
With being in the living room we expanded our idea of us doing what we normally do in the living room and take it to the extreme so it points out to the audience just how much we sit stare and do nothing. What happens if we take the norm to an extreme? In today’s session we played around with the idea myself, Lauren and Sam all took different positions in the living room facing the TV which had a paused image on the screen. Adding to this we all had a still position that we would keep for an hour to get the Spectator’s reaction, fellow peers came in and sat down and after they experienced this we approached them to see what they felt and they said they felt uneasy and that the living room had a different atmosphere.
To develop the idea of making the norm into the only thing we do with the world living around us with the pizza boxes and the booze bottles on the floor to show that the room has been lived in and that the room had life.