
The bathroom is a functional place, a place of practicality; it is also usually a private place. I’m sure all of us would agree that we would struggle to get by without a bathroom… in fact I’m sure most of us would probably be quite horrified by the idea.

Interestingly, however, the every day bathroom that we all know and love is actually a very modern concept. It is probably the newest type of room in the house. Not so long ago, people would bathe in the kitchen, next to the fire, and the lavatory would be in the back garden.

Try to imagine it… bathing in the kitchen or the lounge. People would be walking in and out. The parts of your body which are usually kept private would be out and on display. When you think about it… how many people would you expose your naked body to? It will be different for everyone, of course. Some people are more comfortable and open with their bodies than others. But all of us, more often than not, will spend our bath time alone.

When we are children, of course, the bathroom is a very different place. A place that, as an adult, conjures up thoughts of relaxation and privacy, when thought of in relation to childhood, brings memories of play, toys, being washed by a parent and perhaps even washing with a sibling.

As we can see, a room that is so new to the world has quickly become an important part of recent generations’ lives. When you think about it… what does the bathroom mean to you? What memories do you have in there? And, perhaps most importantly, who have you shared it with?

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